Mike Fels
Kelly and her brother Michael (July 1971).
Hi Kelly
I thought you would love these pics. I brought several important photographs home from my mom's albums. I picked these up because I thought you would LOVE to have them. I'll post more old pics once I crop and fix them up. I will email a copy to all you guys.
Here are more....

Jen looks so much like Adilaide. How beautiful!!!

Great Grandparents...I forgot which side, I need to ask again. Mom, which side?

What a HOT MOMMA!!! Love it!

LOVE LOVE LOVE that picture of my Dad! Never saw any of him at this age. I'm at a loss for words.Kelly and Michael I've seen--still cute.
OMG! That was 37 years ago! I wish my hair was still that blonde! heehee
For some reason Dad just doesn't look right strumming a guitar! Although he does kinda look like a Beach Boy. :)
It's obvious who Michael takes after! Just like dad but with blonde hair!
Thanks Ness!!
How adorable is little Vanessa Mayonessa, with a reservoir of drool inside that cutie smile. I've always loved that picture of Jackie.
WOW!!! The Pics...glad you are putting all this togather.Adelaide's name might be changed,,also LOOK at Kelly and my brother Mike. I remember taking these .. The one of my momma makes me sentimental. TY NESS! I Love Josiebean soooo much. Yes. Thats a pic of my mom's side.You have alot more too. Look. Ya see the resemblance of Josie and Nessa??? Michael loved those plaid pants! LOL OH, What cute kids I had. I am so blessed. Love to you all! XOX Grandma Jackie
There are some strong cheeks running through that family. We can see that JB had them coming to her.
These pics are amazing and they make you remember how important it is to keep all those memories alive on film (the camera splurge was def worthwile)!
Plus, I just love those pics because people dressed so hot!!!
If there was ever any doubt that Jen was Addie's granddaughter, it was confirmed yesterday by my 19 year old who said "Mama, is that Jenna's graduation picture?" WOW! The resemblance is amazing. Put blonde hair on Gramma and that is my sister!
Gotta say..the Fels/Lavelle clan are some pretty sexy gals!!
The picture of Grandma Adelaide is an incredible likeness of Jen...it totally blew me away the moment I saw it...and I'm not even related...well, kinda, sorta, maybe, don't ya think :) Lovely pics...Grandma Jackie...that is absolutely gorgeous...raving beauty!!!
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